Discord NFT Bot

A custom Discord bot for blockchain and NFT projects.

What does it do?

All Crypto & NFT Discord admins soon run in to the same problem, there is no standard way for a user to link their Discord account and their crypto wallet(s). This means if the admins want to reward top holders, or everyone in general, they have to manually verify and recheck all wallets.

My bot makes it super easy for users to link their crypto wallets to their Discord account. The bot then assigns each user applicable server roles automatically based on any custom conditions.

Discord server roles can help to easily manage the community and give back to top holders/segments with giveaways, competitions, early access, and much more.

All user linked wallets are scanned automatically every 30 minutes and user roles updated & removed as needed based on latest wallet holdings.

Examples below for a bot instance called "PartyPizza" as used by the XRPizzaParty NFT project Discord.

Bot commands list (Admin commands only visible to and usable by specific Discord users)

Link Wallet

As a general user the only thing a user needs to do to link their wallet is DM the bot the 'linkwallet' command with their wallet address. The bot will give appropriate error replies if the user doesn't have a trustline set or the wallet cannot be found.

User link wallet example

Custom Commands

The bot also adds custom '/' commands to the server such as:

  • '/price' to get the current trading price from Sologenic (XRP only feature). Current market price example

  • '/richlist' to get the top 10 biggest holding accounts, built on a custom API with improved stability and performance as used with my richlist.xyz (XRP only feature). Token richlist example

And anything else you want! 😁 It's fully custom so I can add pretty much anything you can think of.


Currently the bot can be used with any project on the Ripple or Hedera blockchains and has live projects on both.

I'm open to expanding it to projects that use other blockchains as well, so that's definitely an option.

Feel free to get in touch with me to discuss adding the bot to your Discord and/or any custom features you are interested in.

Farming on Hedera

The bot instance running on HBAR SHADYz also has a fully custom "farming" feature where users with wallet holdings above certain amounts can farm for NFTs and even earn fully custom 1-of-1's.

All wallets with enough holdings can join in using the 'start farming' command, and then every hour (should their holdings not fall below what is required) they will progress until they can eventually claim their rewards based on the farmed hours required for that reward.



Typescript, Node, Docker, MongoDb, Discordjs, XRPL & Hedera (+ other blockchains compatible)


Sold as fully hosted and managed Software-as-a-Service. Get in touch with me to discuss pricing.